2021 (First Half) Reading List
I hope this email inspires you in some form or fashion. I would love to hear from you. Shoot me an email back!
Content I am Watching
With the end of the school year looming, we’re headed into Valedictorian speech season. I wanted to share one of my favorites with you because it speaks right to the heart of building authentic relationships, one of our core tenets here at Three Action Thursday. Enjoy Kyle Martin’s 2019 (Brutally Honest) Valedictorian Speech.
Books I am Recommending
I have enjoyed nearly all the books I have “read” (remember, I listen to all books) this year thus far. Maybe you’re in search of a new read. Here is what I have read thus far in 2021.
- The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How the World’s Most Successful People Launched Their Careers by Alex Banayan
- Catholic Guide to Spending Less and Living More by Sam Fatzinger
- Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson
- Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know by Adam Grant
- Die with Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life by Bill Perkins
- Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? By Seth Godin
- Lives of the Stoics: The Art of Living from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman
- The Simple Plan to Wealth by JL Collins
- The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
Quotes I am Pondering
The greatest achievements are those that benefit others.
~ Lillian Gilcrest
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all.
~ Dale Carnegie, American writer, and lecturer
Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if you will always look there.
~ Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD