Your Assistance is Requested
This is the 42nd Episode of Three Action Thursday. I can not believe how quickly we have reached this point. I hope over this period of time you have found a few nuggets of value buried deep, deep, deep in the content I’ve shared. I have really enjoyed creating them and I hope that you have taken some sort of action in your life to push you forward towards your goals in personal finance, personal development, and/or your relationships with others.
After FORTY-TWO posts, I am hoping I have built up enough equity with you that you will allow me to ask you for a favor (or two, or three…it is THREE Action Thursday after all). Bonus points if you do ALL THREE actions below….
- I am speaking next month at Tech at the Gap. They’ve asked me to do a version of my “Reverse Engineering Success” talk. Would you mind watching it and emailing me some constructive feedback and/or some additional nuggets of content I should drop into the talk?
- Email me directly and tell me what you have implemented in the last year that has helped set you on a path toward reaching your goals. Have you a read a book that helped? Listened to some content? Please share.
- Email me constructive feedback on these weekly pieces. What do you want more of? Less of? Do you like book recommendations? How about book giveaways? I’d love to know what you think of the pieces.**