A Pouch of Pelicans
I’m enjoying this new format, and I hope you are too! Grouping some of my week’s favorite content for others to enjoy from time to time seems like a no-brainer. Speaking of groups… Did you know a group of pelicans has many names? The collective nouns to describe such a group includes a “brief”, “pod”, “pouch”, “scoop”, or a “squadron”.
Enjoy this “pouch” of content…
Quote I’ve Been Pondering
While you’re struggling with the fear that it can’t be done, someone else is doing it.
~ Holly Stiel, author
Content I Have Been Listening To
Besides being a champion for “personal growth”, Tim Ferriss has had the Midas touch. He started and ran a successful business that he sold to venture capitalists. He continued his financial success by angel investing in some of the most recognizable company names in Silicon Valley including Evernote, Shopify, and TaskRabbit.
Ferriss also has a popular podcast. From time to time he offers a basic Q&A session (while drinking wine) instead of interviewing someone. His most recent Q&A was released on YouTube this week. He covers wealth, legacy, addiction, Lyme disease, and his thoughts on dog ownership. I like listening to people who are smarter than me. Maybe you do, too?
Check out Tim Ferriss’s latest Q&A.
I would be seriously remiss if I did not mention Ferriss’s books as well. These are my favorite four: The 4-Hour Work Week, The 4-Hour Body, Tools of Titans, and Tribe of Mentors.
Content I Have Been Reading
Besides Three Action Thursday, Tim Urban’s blog Wait But Why should be at the top of your reading list. I was blessed to see and hear Urban speak a few years back at a conference I attended. He’s incredibly smart and writes long form blog posts that often feel like you are reading a book. But in one of his older and shorter pieces, Urban visually lays out the human life span, breaking it down into such things as the number of Super Bowls, the number of United States Presidents, even the number of take out meals. Ultimately he shows how important family and relationships are by positing that he spent 93% of his total time on earth with his parents in the first 18 years of his life. This served as a solid reminder for me to maximize my relationships with my children. Check out Tim Urban’s The Tail End.
You can also check out my friend, Jim Sheils’s content. His company 18 Summers provides lots of resources to help you get the best out of the 18 summers you get with your children before they leave your care. Jim is also the author of The Family Board Meeting. I really enjoyed The Family Board Meeting because it provided a basic structure for how to interact with your child in a special and unique way. Additionally, I have been lucky to spend some time with Jim and his wife and they are true gems.
- Ask yourself what content you have been absorbing lately. Is it helping you be the best version of yourself?
- Choose a piece of content from above that might be outside your normal comfort zone and see how you might affect change in your life.
- If you have enjoyed my weekly content, please forward a Three Action Thursday to at least one friend.**