What am I doing?! No, what are YOU doing?!
Things have been absolutely nuts for me lately, both personally and professionally. But I wanted to share a few actions I am taking RIGHT NOW to progress in the Three Action Thursday areas of interest (personal finance, building authentic relationships, and personal growth):
Personal Finance – We are refinancing our family home to a sub-3% interest rate while simultaneously taking out six figures’ worth of equity, all while maintaining a 75% loan-to-value ratio (LTV). In laymen’s terms: we are getting a new mortgage, barely increasing our monthly payment, while balancing risk by not taking out too much equity. Meanwhile, we’re freeing up a lot of money to be redeployed elsewhere: maybe toward a rental property, maybe in the stock market. To be determined.
Authentic Relationships – While I’ve held multiple teleconferences with my employees, I’ve also engaged in virtual coffee sessions with strangers that are in my areas of interest (real estate, business, and faith). I have NOT let COVID-19 slow me down, and I’d love to schedule some more. See Action #1 below.
Personal Growth – I’m reading a great book called Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art of Persuasion. The formal review will come when I’m finished with it, but I already know how practical and fantastic this book is. Learning better tactics and behaviors in communication is a dividend-paying life exercise. I’m going to cheat here and just share with you the book description/summary right from Amazon:
Verbal Judo is the martial art of the mind and mouth that can show you how to be better prepared in every verbal encounter. Listen and speak more effectively, engage people through empathy (the most powerful word in the English language), avoid the most common conversational disasters, and use proven strategies that allow you to successfully communicate your point of view and take the upper hand in most disputes.
Verbal Judo offers a creative look at conflict that will help you defuse confrontations and generate cooperation from your spouse, your boss, and even your teenager. As the author says, “when you react, the event controls you. When you respond, you’re in control.”
This new edition features a fresh new cover and a foreword demonstrating the legacy of Verbal Judo founder and author George Thompson, as well as a never-before-published final chapter presenting Thompson’s “Five Universal Truths” of human interaction.
We ALL need a book like this right now. Whether it’s touchy discussions with friends and family about the world’s events or just trying to live together as a family and be a good parent, this book has some excellent tactics to address these types of situations and many more.
- Do any of the items above interest you? I would love to hear which one and go more in-depth with you via email or maybe even a video chat. Hit me up.
- Pick up and read Verbal Judo on Amazon, Kindle, or Audible.
- Do you have a go-to person? I want to be a connector. If you need a lender, a mentor, or advice on a life situation, I want to be your go-to person. Don’t want that to be me? That’s fine. But go get yourself a few connectors!**