The Echo Chamber Antidote
Been super busy lately, but not too busy to share some pieces of content with you.
What I’m Watching
Jordan Peterson is back after his year-long battle with health issues. I’ve watched two recent interviews, one with Tim Ferriss and the other on Jordan’s own podcast with Jonathan Pageau. I am continuously impressed with Peterson’s ability to make challenging concepts simple and easy to understand.
Book I’m Listening To
Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know written by Adam Grant. I was honored to hear Adam speak recently and was impressed by his openness about his own beliefs and his willingness to change them over time. The book examines the critical art of rethinking: learning to question your opinions and help open other people’s minds, which can position you for excellence both professionally and personally. I would strongly recommend the book, especially if you find yourself trapped in your own echo chambers or ideology bubbles.
Quotes I’m Contemplating
With clear vision you may see where you are going, but without strong, well-articulated values, it may not be worth making the trip.
~ Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson
No man can climb beyond the limitations of his own character.
~ John Morley
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
~ Father James Keller, Roman Catholic priest